Monday- For P-day we had kinda a sports day and played futbol (soccer) with Lima Tambo (our Neighbor zone). It was fun, I saw Elder Noel (from my CCM district) and it was nice to catch up. After that we went and ate some really good authentic Mexican American food. Mexican food really is much different than Peruvian food. But all food is good food to me. Then we had a FHE with a family from the ward. We talked about temple work and family HIstory. Then we played a game- kinda like charades- except the timer is someone pumping a balloon and if you don't guess the word before the balloon pops you loose! It was craaazy! And lots of fun. The Members of this ward remind me so much of the Gastonia Ward! (G_TOWWN!) Love their guts.
Tuesday- We had a loooong training. It was almost 5 hours. But it was good and I learned alot. Also we had spaghetti so that was super duper. Also Hermana Larson (Pres. Larsons wife) Is just the sweetest thing ever. She reminds me alot of aunt Jill, the way she looks, her mannerisms, and the way she puts up with the Elders (like aunt Jill with Uncle Doug and LD). After that we got some DOUGHNUUUTS!!! YUMYUMYUM I have been craving doughnuts for about 2 months. They were divine. Straight from heaven doughnuts. Yum. Then we had our English class in the Capilla (church), always fun. The class is at 7 PM and one of the YW in the ward came strolling in and with sooo much confidence announced "Good Morning!" It was so funny. We all laughed. Shes so funny.
Thursday- Ugh I woke uppp siick. Yuck I had a fever so I took it easy most of the day. I was feeling much better in the afternoon and didn't have a fever so we went out for a bit and went to the Institue building to do Family History.
Cokes from Hermana Sisi |
Friday- We had a couple appointments, but we had one super duper appointment. It was with a man named Johnny. He probably comes up to kinda almost my shoulder. But anyways he's great. He is in a weird situation with his female person, so they either needed to get married or separate. We told him this and he was like "Ok yeah, I'll talk to her cause this is important. We have commandments for a reason and its important to follow them." - But in Spanish- YEAHH, he's solid. He accepted his baptismal date and so now we are just waiting to find out what he is going to do with his mujer (woman). Woot Woot
Saturday- We did service, but service is hard to do here so we ended up teaching a member how to cook some colombian food. ( well i was learning too) We made arepas (I'm not sure how to spell it) and some banana thingies. They were soo good! Also I'm writing down all the recipes so I can eat this food for the rest of my life cause it is scrumdiliumptious! Also Hermana Sisi (the member) got all the hermanas cokes with our names! She is a hoot- so much fun! We had a couple visits after that, but a lot of people were not home.
Park near our apartment |
Sunday- We were up at 5:30 to have our missionary correlation meeting at 6. I don't think I am ever going to get used to waking up early. Anyways, Church was great. It was fast and testimony meeting. It was nice to listen to all the testimonies. I can understand for the most part what everyone is saying. but I have also learned that it is important to listen to not only Spanish, but the language of the Spirit. That has helped me so much in the mission. Something that I've really come to rely on. Yeah so after church we went and visited with Walter. He is the recent convert in the wheel chair. So I had a little bit of a head cold and congestion and have been sneezing . SO I sneezed and then he turned to me and told me that I was "delicate like a flower..." Nahhh, that was a little awkward. But then I told him "Noo, I'm tough as nails" Haha but in spanish. Then we had an appointment with a guy named Nilo. He works in his car. I'm not really sure what he does but he is always in his car. But he was sleeping when we went by so then we passed by about 20 mins later and he was awake so we just set an appointment to visit him later in the week.
My shower head :( |
Something shocking. Well two things...
The shower head and the frying pan.
Both shocked me! You have to be careful with the shower heads cause they will shock you, and its not fun. Also the frying pan shocked me when i was trying to cook! I'm a little scared to touch things now...
Also I had mac and cheese! Yuuum! I love mac and cheese. I was making it and I remembered how a hermana told me it tastes a little different here. So I added the cheese and was mixing it up and the cheese did smell different.. like pizza.. It was strange so then I tasted it and it tasted like pizza... And I was thinking man the cheese here sure is weird... but then I realized that i had accidentally bought pizza flavored mac and cheese... but it was yummy!
Yeah so that was my week in a nut shell. Looong days and short short weeks! Its hard sometimes, but I love it. I love this Gospel, and this opportunity I have to share it with the sweet peruvian people. This gospels true y'all!
Yeah so that was my week in a nut shell. Looong days and short short weeks! Its hard sometimes, but I love it. I love this Gospel, and this opportunity I have to share it with the sweet peruvian people. This gospels true y'all!
Love and miss everyone!
With Love from Lima
With Love from Lima
Hermana Scarlett