Tuesday: My trainer, Hna. Linares hit her 9 month mark! Whoop Whoop! Yeah not much really happened Monday, we walked a lot. Elizabeth had her baptism interview. She is the sweetest little lady ever.
Wednesday: Wednesdays we have our District meetings and did lots of teaching practice. It was good but also a little hard because I am the only one who isn't fluent in Spanish in the district, but everyone is helpful and encouraging so that's good.
Thursday: Not much teaching because we had historia familiar (family history) and weekly planning. But it was a good day We did go and visit one man and it was not too good. He was upset because we haven't been visiting him every single day. He is a recent convert and we have finished teaching him. He's very stubborn and refused to listen to us when we said that we have other people we have to visit. It was not good - he just wanted me to come back without Hna Linares. Not good. We ended leaving. But we saw him at church Sunday so that was good.
Friday: We had a training for the mission and I saw all my friends from my CCM district! It was great to hear how their first weeks were and how they are doing.
Also ELDER BEDNAR IS COMING TO THE MISSION!! WOOT WOOT! and on top of that we had McDonalds! I never thought I'd be so happy to see McDonalds in my life! In our sector there is not food places except little panadarias (bakeries) and markets. But in other areas there is McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, and a few others. But nada (nothing) where I am. Lots of rice. But I like rice. Also I like onions! SURPRISE! They are good. We made some guacamole with lots of onions and its goood. Also salad here is onions and some type of dressing. But its good.
We taught a few less actives this day and were accompanied by a Young Woman - her name is Ximena and she is the sweetest. Also there were tons of fiestas that night. It was a little crazy in the streets.
Sunday: Sunday morning was difficult for me cause my brain we just fried and it was early, but it got better. Elizabeth was confirmed and she just had the biggest smile on her face. Tooo tender. She also wrote me the sweetest note ever. She is a precious little soul. Also the sun was out Sunday! Tender mercy- I needed a little sunshine in my soul that day.
That afternoon we went and invited a member and her less active husband. That was an interesting experience. So in the homes the only ventilation comes from the widows and in this home they were all shut- and they had a dog, and this dog was grosss and farted the entiiiire timme! I thought I was gonna pukkke. They told us about her nephew (I think it was her nephew) and about how he was crazy and while her husband was sleeping he tried to kill him with a knife! He showed us all the scares on his arm and about how he can't use his hand anymore because of that. We asked if he was somewhere getting treatment and then she was like nahh he in the other room..... what... Haha it was an intereating visit.
Also the food this week was onnn point! My pensionista is a fabulos cook- but we mostly have arroz con pollo, but its delish. Also Ahi de guillina (ithink thats how you spell it) delish! On the weekends we have lunch with members and we had Lomo saltado- soooo goooooddd yumyumyum and then we had some kind of ravioli with another memeber- Muy rico tambien.
Last night we had a Noche de Hogar with Elizabeth and made Papa a la huancaina- Food here is just too goood. I'm gonna come back as una gordita (a little fat lady)!
Also tender mercies from scripture study: I looove reading the BoM. My first day in the field I was reading in Alma 1:31-38 when Alma began his mission and had the perfect little mission prayer. That helped me so much. Tender mercies. Then today I got the the story of the 2000 stripling warriors. There are so many great examples and role models in the BoM. I couldn't help think about all Almas, and Helamans, and Moroni's! And all my Strippling warrior cousins and family and friends that are just such perfect examples for me! I love you all and you are always in my prayers!
With Love from Lima! - Hermana Scarlett
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